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Mattering is a critical balancing act of two complementary forces:

feeling valued and adding value in the context of self, others, work,

and society at large”

(Prillentensky, 2019)

Three years of research on human flourishing has led me to focus my coaching approach on “mattering” – how do we enhance our sense of adding and feeling value and make real positive impact across our relationships and communities? This arises from a deep recognition that an individual’s sense of personal fulfilment comes from a profound recognition that their life has purpose “they matter”.

Much of my work is based on the highly acclaimed work of Isaac & Ora Prilleltensky.

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© Oral & Isaac Prilleltensky – The Mattering Wheel from “How people matter - Why it Affects Health,Happiness, Love, Work, and Society”
(Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 May 2021)

About Mattering


The subject of mattering is widely considered a significant theme of our times. Research evidences a focus on mattering leads to higher levels of personal resilience and wellbeing, as well as work and community-based flourishing. A lack of a sense of mattering is linked to isolation, loneliness, depression, anxiety, absenteeism, suicide and radicalisation; whilst too much of a sense of mattering can lead to narcissism and grandiosity. Both issues are highly pertinent to effective leadership – how do we ensure our people feel valued, seen and heard within our organisations; how do we maintain a healthy sense of self, as we lead our teams and business through unprecedented and unpredictable times.

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